Delivering High Quality
Unique Plan Designs Since 1988.
About Us
QRPS was founded in 1988 as an independent third party administrator of qualified retirement plans. Today we are still privately owned and provide expert service to more than 900 plan sponsors and more than 35,000 plan participants.

Human history is in essence a history of ideas.
— H. G. Wells
Designing Plans to Meet Diverse Needs
We support 401(k), 403(b), 457, and other defined contribution and defined benefit plans.
Clients and partners look to us for expertise on unique plan designs and delivering high quality services.
Supporting any size business
Schools & charitable organizations
Municipalities & government
A Little About How We Got Here
Qualified Retirement Plan Services, Inc. is founded by Ross & Linda Knowles.
Forrest Knowles and Bob Hurd join QRPS, Inc.
QRPS establishes daily valuation 401 (k) relationships with 401 (k) platform providers.
Forrest Knowles is appointed President of QRPS, Inc.
Ross & Linda Knowles retire; Forrest Knowles acquires QRPS, Inc.
The current management team is formed with the addition of Peter Josselyn as Vice President, director of Advisor Services. (See Leadership Team)
QRPS celebrates its 20th anniversary.
QRPS celebrates its 25th anniversary and QRPS is certified to industry best practices by CEFEX.